This week has been pretty great!
Elder Cornu is my new comp's name and he is from Silverton, Oregon. He has been on his mission for 6 months.
Being DL is pretty good. I have a pretty cool district, so that makes things a lot easier! What did the letter from the Batts say?
Ok I will use that money for boxes! I wasnt quite sure what it was for, sorry!
That is crazy Jaxipoo is home! I am way excited to see him too! I really hope that we can have our old relationship back, too.
It is super awesome to hear that you all had a great time at the reunion! I am so excited to come home to do that kinda stuff! That stream sounds really nice as it is pretty hot down here, too.
I did get that package. Thank you! I did get the bday package from gma and gpa, too. Tell them thank you too!
I need to get everyone's contact info here and in Many Farms because they are in my district now and I am going to go on exchanges over there and that way I will have them when I go home.
Love ya!
Elder Cade

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