Monday, January 27, 2014

Happy Missionary

I totally forgot to post the letter and email from last week! So....for your viewing pleasure, enjoy!

 Letter dated 1/13/14:

   I am definitely going to write Sam. Thank you for that money! Let me know how the discussion with the Nuzio's goes! How is Elder Black doing? Why are you feeding the Elders glamorously anyways? Almost anything to them (us) is glamorous!
   Knowing Grandpa he will find something to keep him busy all week long. Why you and him believe otherwise is a mystery to me!
   Elder Kay and I both think Colton needs to come on a mission. More specifically this mission. I think it is totally the one for him!
   That is crazy about Mark's mission! And that is awesome that you talk to all those missionaries! I haven't even emailed Brayden yet!
   I honestly have no idea what I want for my B-day. I didn't get Aub anything today so unless we can sneak over at lunch or something, it might be a late present. but, yeah, all my clothes are doing good. Thank you!
Love ya,
Elder Cade Joseph Robinson

Email from 1/20/14:
The work is picking up here and that is just tickling my fancy. After all the diligence and hard work we put into this area it is finally starting to pick up! It sounds like aub had a good bday! I havent bought her anything yet i will probably go do that right after this but i wont get to send it till tomorrow. We are late emailing today because we helped some people start unloading some storage units it was all good but  we scrapping anything metal and i looked in a box full of wires making sure there wasnt anything other than metal and there was... but it so happened to be that non metal substance was some naughty videos ... haha. That cold is rolling around down here too, one of the elders we live with caught it and it has knocked him just about flat for the last 3 days. Our church does require alot compared to others it makes me chuckle about President Uchtdorf's talk from conference about that. Youll have to send me a picture of Elder Black he sounds like an awesome missionary! Welll that email is kinda scatter brained. Sorry!
Love ya
Elder Cade Joseph Robinson
And, last but not least, email from 1/27/14:
Well, I am glad you celebrated without me haha! I honestly can not believe it is week 20 That is crazy! I feel like i just barely came out! Time is flying!
If Sam stays home who watches him and what does he do all day?
You did answer your own concern there Everyone does love me I dont see why that even crossed your mind! haha.
That is awesome about the Nuzios! We had one guy set on date to be baptized like the 22 of  Feb. but He and his gf wont get married till september Because when they do all of the gf's daughter's grants and scholarships get messed with! The Baptism was in 2nd ward. We were supposed to have an investigator there but he bailed! I havent seen garry in months Eugene is home but he decided not to even mess with garry. The awesomest thing that happened this week is that we got a Less active to commit to church next week who hasnt gone for years!
We do email from the library and it was opened last week which was miraculous!
Any ways  Love ya!
Elder Cade Joseph Robinson

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Finally a Letter!

We finally received a letter, the first since before Christmas. Whew!

    My New Years was rather uneventful. To celebrate, we went to dinner at the Smith's then for dessert they whipped out a chocolate fountain! But we had to be home by 8:30, so we went to bed early! The next day we ate at the Cook's then we were able to teach the Restoration to one of Kelli's friends, hence the pictures!
    I remember last New Year's party like it was yesterday! Crazy! How were the bacon tater bites? I miss those!
    Garry Pixler says he wants to be baptized but him and Shannon (his stepmom) don't get along too well. So when Eugene leaves for Alaska Garry goes to live with his Grandma. Shannon is struggling a little and Eugene can't attend Church while he is in Alaska. Hopefully we are going to see them all (together) in over a transfer, tomorrow.
    It sounds like your missionaries are doing great! I just told Elder K. about Elder Black and he said there are a couples Elders like that here or that were here. I met one and he seemed to do great!
   Kind of off the subject but a long the same lines, have you ran into Kurt lately? If so, how is he doing?
   Well, I just realized how I just rant out of ideas to write about. Even with that little card you sent. Haha! So, I a just going to write dad's letter on here. And Aub's.
I love you!

Here is a picture of the boy's new haircuts!
 Email from yesterday:
This last week was super good it seems like compared to previous weeks! We had a few really good discussions! and we are getting closer and closer to our goals each week!
You are just a Jackie Jr. lately mom. I get the impression that you are boobing once a day just like her! But that is awesome that Riss did a good job on her Talk!
We had dinner at the Cooks last night. They are so awesome! I did my haircut my self so thanks for that!
Well i cant wait to hear from you later this week!
Love ya
Elder Cade Joseph Robinson

Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year

P day is good so far! No we dont have any baptisms. We are just now starting to be able to meet with people again since the holidays! That is rough not having people make it to church. We have the same problem! No one has come since shannon! Except the less actives we have reactivated. We have 900 church now which is super awesome! I honestly dont know where i am weight wise, We dont have a scale any more. That is crazy Red served here! Did he serve on the rez at all? That is a bummer about Sam! he was doing way good for a long time! 
I Think the work is about to explode down here and i hope it will it has been way slow for way too long!
I Love ya!
Elder Cade Joseph Robinson

Not a lot to report this week beyond that. We did get a few pictures from Sister Cook of the Elders teaching a lesson and one last night after she was so kind to feed them and then send them home with leftovers :)