Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Spring break talk

That is a hilarious pic, haha! She does look like she is losing some weight! Good for her!
So I think you think I speak like perfect Navajo but that is not the case. I can understand it alot better than I can actually speak it! Zunis do speak Zuni. But I know very little. It is hard to keep the 2 separated in my mind so I haven't picked up too much Zuni at all!
That sounds like a super boring spring break!
I hope I won't be ride bumming for too long! I can't wait to just do my own thing sometimes!
Our week went really well. We had a good # of lessons and we were able to find a new investigator too! Plus exchanges in Navajo land, and interviews with President Batt. It was just an awesome week!
Well I hope y'all have an awesome spring break week!
Love ya!
Elder Cade

Monday, March 16, 2015

   That is awesome that Caden got baptized! The Logan's are so awesome! I haven't heard from them in a while but I can't wait to catch up with them! 
   I can't believe that Jake is home already! Tell him to email me. He owes me! I wrote him like 2 letters and emailed him a time or 2.
   That is really exciting that Riss's schooling is coming together.
   I can't believe that spring break is already here! Time is going by way too fast!
   So... as for the Schroedter family... tell them to call President Batt and ask him if that is ok, then if he okays it our services start at 10ish and the chuch is at 11 Paywa Drive, Zuni NM 87327. It would be cool to see them but I want to make sure it is alright with President first!
   Our week was pretty good! We had 13 lessons. The people we teach are awesome, I just wish they got the big picture in why we are there teaching them! 
   I had some pics but I forgot my camera so maybe later I will send them.
Love ya! 
Elder Cade
A sweet Sister Griner from Grants NM was so kind as to send us a picture of Elders Robinson and Loveless yesterday from church! We were excited to see them!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Tragic Story

Our week was good! We did come really close to meeting our goal this week which was a huge blessing for us!
Crazy story for the week! We ran into the Potters (senior couple in Many Farms) and I was trying to catch up on every one there, and they were like, "Oh, do you remember Bobby and Bo?" And I was like, "Of course!"  They were my gangster investigators who came close to baptism but luckily never did get baptized. They were like, "Oh.. well Bo died"! I guess they got drunk and got in a fight and Bobby stabbed Bo to death! But Bo had stabbed Bobby before but I guess it was just like a tragic deal for them over there! So Bobby is in prison and Bo is dead!
That is cool that Riss got a good look at Provo! I think she will like it down there!
That stinks that all your rides died haha! Hopefully dad can get em back going good!
Sam did seem pretty excited that he got a long board! Have him show you his email from me. I had a couple of ideas for him.
Well, to tell you the truth... I got a call from Pres. Batt a month or 2 ago and I guess on record my release date was Sept. 9, which is when I entered the field, but the rest of my group goes on Aug. 12 and he asked me what I wanted to do. I told him I didn't care. Either way was fine by me! So he told me to make transfers, easier that he was sending me home in August, so August 12 is the day I guess!
So I guess on that note.. have a great  week!
Love ya!
Elder Cade

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Zuni Traditional Wear

It is crazy how fast time is flying!  That is awesome y'all had a regional conference!
They switched up our branch presidency a little yesterday. I think it will be a good change.
That is nice that Lexi's Reception went well! Did you do the flowers for it?
That is a bummer Sam had strep. It does seem like he is always sick! 
That is awesome Riss is doing cosmetology school in Provo, haha! I told her she will be married in no time down there! 
We weren't doing service in slacks. I don't actually know when it happenend or how. I will get that pic of the tag to you later tonight. 
This week was a little better than last week! We were able to catch quite a few people we haven't for a while. It was nice! 
Our sewer got backed up on Thursday, probably by some tree roots, so we have been running to the church to go to the bathroom!  And we have showered once since Friday! That has been real exciting! 
We had some fun trying on the Zuni traditional stuff! The people who let us are recent converts and they are just fun all the time! 
Well we are headed into Gallup in a few minutes, so I will talk to you later!
Love ya!
Elder Cade